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미국-인도 ‘핵심 및 신흥 기술 이니셔티브’ 2차 회의 (우주내용 포함)

by 산경투데이 2024. 6. 20.

[산경투데이 = 박시수 우주산업 전문기자]

지난 6월 17일 미국과 인도의 대표단은 뉴델리에서 모여 ‘미국-인도 핵심 및 신흥 기술 이니셔티브(U.S.-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology, iCET) 2차 회의를 가졌다.

회의에는 양국의 국가안보 책임자들이 참석했다.

2023년 1월 iCET가 출범한 이래 미국과 인도는 우주, 반도체, 첨단 통신, 인공지능, 양자, 생명공학, 청정 에너지 등 주요 기술 분야에서 전략적 협력을 심화 및 확대하고 있다.

이하 백악관이 발표한 회의 결과 중 우주관련 내용을 정리했다.

Reaching New Heights in Civilian and Defense Space Technology Cooperation

Securing a carrier for the first-ever joint effort between NASA and ISRO astronauts at the International Space Station, which will mark a significant milestone in the U.S.-India space partnership and space exploration;

Celebrating the conclusion of a Strategic Framework for Human Spaceflight Cooperation to deepen interoperability in space and work toward commencing advanced training for ISRO astronauts at the NASA Johnson Space Center;

Preparing for the launch of the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar, a jointly developed satellite that will map the entirety of the Earth’s surface twice every 12 days as the United States and India work together to combat climate change and other global challenges;

Launching a new partnership between the U.S. Space Force and the Indian startups, 114ai and 3rdiTech, including on advancing space situational awareness, data fusion technologies, and infra-red sensor semiconductor manufacturing;

Welcoming India’s observation of the U.S. Space Command’s Global Sentinel Exercise at Vandenburg Space Force Base in February and its return as a participant in the exercise in 2025;

Strengthening defense space cooperation through the second Advanced Domains Defense Dialogue held at the Pentagon in May 2024, which featured a U.S.-India space table-top exercise and included bilateral expert exchanges on emerging domains including artificial intelligence.

Exploring opportunities for India’s participation in the Lunar Gateway Program, as well as joint avenues for collaboration in other space technologies.

Deepening Defense Innovation and Industrial Cooperation

Celebrating the second edition of the India-U.S. Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) Summit which took place in February this year and during which the two sides announced an INDUS-X Investor Summit that will take place in Silicon Valley in September 2024; the awarding of up to $1.2 million in seed funding to 10 U.S. and Indian companies under Joint IMPACT 1.0 Challenges; the intent to launch two challenges focused on space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) under IMPACT 2.0; and the launch of an INDUSWERX Testing Consortium steered by industry, academia and non-profit organizations across the United States and India to promote access to testing and certification facilities;


미국-인도 ‘핵심 및 신흥 기술 이니셔티브’ 2차 회의 (우주내용 포함)

[산경투데이 = 박시수 우주산업 전문기자]지난 6월 17일 미국과 인도의 대표단은 뉴델리에서 모여 ‘미국-인도 핵심 및 신흥 기술 이니셔티브(U.S.-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology, iCET) 2차

